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By FaynerIsBack | July 10, 2008


George Bush The Dim Son will surely go down in history as one of the dumbest people ever to run a country. I doubt even he’d argue with that statement. If he could understand it, that is…

You know how there’s a war going on? Most of us want it to be over. Most of us have had enough. Of course, most of us never wanted it to start in the first place.

Bush loves the war. He don’t want it to stop. I can just picture him in the White House basement playing with a train set in his conductor uniform and using fire crackers to blow up the little gas station and the school and the synagogues along the tracks yelling “Take that, bad guys!” That’s how much he loves to blow shit up.

And luckily, thanks to his top war commander Gen. David Petraeus’s recommendation (duh), there is now no end to the war, as Bush ordered a halt in troop withdrawls which will pretty much guarantee a war through his term in office.


And if you’re one of the 4,000 American families who have lost family and friends in this war, I’m sorry. I truly am.  ‘Cause Bush and his bosses are hopeless in succeeding.

Want proof? This is a quote from Bush concerning the war:”We have renewed and revived the prospect of success.”

So before this there was no hope of winning? Not until just now when Bush ordered no end to US troops occupying Iraq?

Wow, he’s good.

Real good.


Oh, Fayner … the never-ending dumb Kike!

Please keep your commentary to analyzing the porn industry. I come here for entertainment … not sophomoric, idiotic, misinformed, maligned narrative on how you perceive America.

I guess all that time in the military, college, public service, executive service, and foreign policy you possess makes you an expert in examining the Bush administration? [So you don’t feel inclined to attack my resume … I’m a combat veteran of the 1st Gulf War, BS & MS degrees, and public servant.]

I’m amazed at the analysis of bloggers like you with absolutely no credentials to discuss US foreign & domestic policy. Take a look at the experience, education, diversity, and accomplishments of the current administration and compare to your lackluster “career”, mundane life of dreaming of your next line of blow (as I and other readers are to believe you’ve given up the white).

Wow! Quite a difference, huh?

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  1. X-Aminer Says:
    July 10th, 2008 at 2:10 pm

    Not that I am qualified but I gotta get my two cents in here:

    I guess “kyke” is acceptable language to describe a Jew? With all that education and public service experience, the poster couldn’t come up with another descriptive word? I got a descriptive phrase for you… anti-semitic.

    Second…Who the fuck says you have to be qualified to express a personal opinion about anything? If being qualified were the standard to express an opinion, there wouldn’t be any journalism or reporting anywhere. This is Fayner’s blog, he can pretty much say any damn thing he wants to, stupid or not. This sure as shit isn’t CNN; if you want accuracy and journalism, go someplace else. (No reflection on you, Fayner; you get what I am saying here.) If you disagree with what’s stated here, start your own damn blog and express your own opinion, stupid or not.

    Sorry for the grandstanding… I’m not trying to be a kiss ass either, I’m just someone entertained by this blog’s style.

  2. KoT Says:
    July 10th, 2008 at 8:51 pm

    You should absolutely be “qualified” to make statements, dumb ass! Your opinion should be based on factual information. Didn’t you ever take a course on critical thinking? Otherwise, my opinion that 1+1=3 is acceptable if I believe it to be should be adhered. Give me a break … an opinion doesn’t need to be qualified?!

    Fayner’s comment about Bush being the “dumbest” President in history is ridiculous. Whether you like him or not, he went to Yale & Harvard. Now … I know you & your over-educated readers will claim that money had something to do with his acceptance at both schools … and you’re right … just like Gore, Clinton, Obama, Kerry, etc. The gauntlet swings both blue & red. They are still difficult schools to enter. What school[s] did you attend, Fayner? University of Phoenix doesn’t count, so you know!

    Have you been watching the news lately? The war in Iraq is paying dividends to overall stability in the middle east. Did the UAE not forgive billions of dollars in foreign debt? If the military action was not working, no country would be laying off money owed. Additionally, other countries are taking the same action. Oil revenues are at record levels, a semblance of democracy is starting to take shape, and if you did a little investigative journalism you would find that the Iraqi people are safer, happier, and better off now that their country has been returned to them.

    Moreover, I can’t stand civilians apologizing for the deaths of servicemen/women! We knew what we were getting into when we fucking VOLUNTEERED! If a draft was in effect, then you can fucking apologize … until then … it is/was OUR FUCKING CHOICE and we don’t want you to cheapen the sacrifice with your dimwitted insincere apology.

    Finally, I wasn’t questioning your “right to freedom”, bonehead! I fucking fought for your right to be stupid. I was simply asking you to concentrate on what you know best … porn. Leave the important stuff to those educated, dedicated, and “qualified” to make decisions based on experience rather than dime-store observations.

    P.S. I apologize for the “kike” remark. If your reader was educated enough to look up the etymology he/she might find it to be a pejorative slur, not anti-Semitic. Plus, Fayner is proud to be a tight-wad Jew … and should be championing the United States efforts to keep his motherland safe from Islamic terrorists.

  3. nsoc Says:
    July 11th, 2008 at 9:03 am

    I agree with everything the last guy said. I would only like to add a couple of comments. First, everyone(and I mean everyone) has forgotten about France, Germany, Russia and the u.n. oil for food program. These scumbag countries blatant disregard for these sanctions is the #1 reason we are in Iraq today. The u.n. is such a feeble, terrorist run organization in the first place, why would saddam Hussein ever change his murderous ways when the above mentioned countries are supplying him and his murderous regime with hundreds of mansions, cars, gold etc. in exchange for cheap illegal oil shipments? I feel bad, as well, for the 4000 dead soldiers, but compared to other wars this number is more comparible to single battles. We’re talking about a 5 year old “war” here.
    You pussy liberals can wait until more of our buildings are destroyed, and innocent hard working(two words liberals dont understand) people are killed, but I think action needed to and has taken place. We are engaged in the right territory against the right enemy and making solid progress toward a safer region. If it werent for the democrats undermining everything this country tries to do to protect us(for nothing more than political gain), the “war” in Iraq would have been over AND WON several years ago. The terorists #1 ally is cnn and United States Democrats, which are one in the same.

  4. mike Says:
    July 11th, 2008 at 11:16 am

    Ahem, can’t we just talk about porn and other scurrilous pursuits you pseudo-intellectual blowhards? And for the record, I’m with contestant (poster) number 1.

    It sort of surprises me how many conservatives troll these sites. Shouldn’t ya’ll be at Bible study or something?

  5. KoT Says:
    July 11th, 2008 at 4:07 pm

    Thanks, Mike for showing just how utterly stupid liberals tend to be. Why does Conservative = Bible thumping? Explain … with more than just one grammatically incorrect sentence (it’s y’all mother fucker not ya’ll … for the record … unless you’re one of those Tennessee backwoods incestuous liberals). Louisiana boy myself, go LSU! Y’all got that! Fo’ sho’!

    Get over yourself with pseudo-intellectual comments about intelligent people you perceive to be pseudo-intellectual! If you have something to say … please say so with some thought instead of piggy-backing on poster #1’s schizophrenic babbling!

    That’s one endless reason for what’s wrong with you liberal retards … haphazardly ripping off stereotypes for your own political gain … and in doing so complete nothing.

    What’s the Democratic Congress’ approval rating right now? 9 fucking percent!

    Fayner, please interview one of my favorite porn stars of the moment … Nikki Flame! Tell her a conservative, intelligent, educated, handsome, young man wants to talk politics and shoes! Please!

  6. X-Aminer Says:
    July 11th, 2008 at 7:48 pm

    I’m reminded of an old adage from college debate:

    When the law is against you, argue the facts.
    When the facts are against you, argue the law.
    When both are against you, call the other person a son of a bitch.

    I don’t really give a shit what you think about the war. I don’t care if you think we should invade Iran, or turn America into a commune. My original point was, you have a right to express your opinion, regardless of qualification. Notice that neither one of the conservatives addressed this; they went right to the war argument. Whatever. You have a right to your opinion and to express it, as Fayner does.

    I never wanted to create a war of words. Life is too short. So I am done. Bring on the naked chicks!

  7. nsoc Says:
    July 12th, 2008 at 6:30 am

    Hey x-aminer
    When the facts get in the way of your uneducated opinion, you do as all liberals do, change the subject.

  8. D Says:
    July 12th, 2008 at 9:37 am

    Your “facts” are anything but. The are an opinion based on your own belief system. The “fact” is that Iraq was an illegal war based on lies. Whether or not the administrations goals are ever going to be reached is not really relevant. What is relevant is that the people of the United States were and are lied to day in and day out about this occupation. As with most new day conservatives you crave a daddy to guide you. You need a blustery retard to tell you you’ll be safe. You’re scared of everything and think that using blunt force will solve all the worlds ills. The great thing is that people with your world view are quickly becoming irrelevant.

  9. KoT Says:
    July 13th, 2008 at 7:42 am

    Yes, you have an inalienable right to express your opinion. However, I have an alienable right to counter your opinion (as well as Fayner’s) … which is what I did, rather well I might add.

    Remember, Fayner started with his UNeducated opinion on the war. I countered with an educated opinion on the war. He decided to create a new post based on my opinion because he was HAD and his pussy hurt. I’m sorry to have to spell this out but you succinctly cannot get the point. But, that’s what I’ve come to expect from liberals.

    And, hey “D” … illegal war is another example of the idiotic rhetoric spewed from lefties. Go check the Executive power of the Presidency. Not the liberal interpretation … but the actual words … the President has the authority & responsibility to protect this country. Whether you like it or not, we have a taken on the role to assist the world with our power & influence. If you don’t like it (I hate cliches like this) … but GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY! Canada or Mexico need people like you! You fucking apologist pussy!

    So, let’s see … seven years after 9/11 we HAVE NOT been attacked on American soil and you claim to be “less safe” now? Just wait until bin Obama gets elected and see how “safe” you are. Barack is going to save us? You’re fucking delusional! But there is hope, even though you think my way of thinking is irrelevant, even a worthless candidate like McCain is holding approximately 50% of the popular vote. Even with the Messiah Rock Star Obama promising salvation to the masses he can’t even get over 50% of the vote. Yep, you’re right … we’re irrelevant. Fucking dingleberry!

    I’m done with this argument too, x-aminer. None of y’all Communist/Environmentalist/Socialist/Democrats will ever get it.

  10. Fayner Says:
    July 13th, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    to KoT
    my webmaster put that up (faynerisback). my pussy never gets hurt.



  11. youareadouchetard Says:
    July 13th, 2008 at 3:45 pm

    Right wingers, in my experience, are either morons or assholes, or, with alarming frequency, both. It’s stupefying that even at this point they still try to argue about iraq, war on terror, global warming or the idiots running our country. It’s as if there is no such thing as facts anymore, just their “facts” versus everyone else’s. It’s like trying to have a rational conversation with a rabid fan of an opposing sports team. I can’t tell if that’s the moron part or the asshole part. Don’t care really. They’re all vaguely emotionally disturbed/traumatized anyway, probably felt up by the creepy uncle, and then beaten with a paddle for jerking off. Like Barbara did to W. That’ll fuck you up.

  12. X-Aminer Says:
    July 13th, 2008 at 4:51 pm

    KoT, it was fun. Unexpected, too. And yes, you expressed your opinion loud and clear. You probably won’t believe this, but I am far less liberal then you think I am.

    I’m not familliar with Nikki Flame, but I see she’s done work for Vouyer, so I’ll have to check her out.

  13. Dr Bob Says:
    July 15th, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    Is this what some American’s believe? “These scumbag countries blatant disregard for these sanctions is the #1 reason we are in Iraq today.”

    Sorry buddy, but the rest of the world knows that’s a bunch of horse’s arse!

    You’re in Iraq because your President is an war mongering idiot with no understanding of world politics.
