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By Fayner | September 17, 2008

Listen, we all do bad things from time to time. Some worse than others, of course, but who among us can honestly say they’ve never done something horrible?

Kayden Kross can’t.

Kayden Kross has been a bad, bad girl.

Kross, an Adam & Eve contract star and whose real name is none of your business, is expected in court on October 14th to be arraigned on charges like Grand Theft (PC 487 (A) FELONY) and real estate fraud (CCC1695.3 FELONY).

The case was filed with the Sacramento Superior Court on August 6, following an FBI investigation. Kayden was arrested at LAX following a trip to New Zealand [in her blog on, she wrote that the arrest stemmed from a custody battle over a dog].

And now Kayden waits to find out her fate.

But there must be more to this story. Right?

Okay, so I went digging for a source. And I found one. This is what my source tells me…

A disabled Veteran and his wife, along with their four children, lived in a house they could no longer afford. So the house went into forclosure. Bummer.

Kayden Kross knows a morgage broker, who in April of 2006 tells her of a family that needs help and would she like to do a foreclosure bailout on the house to both buy property and help out a family in need? Kayden says yes.

So now Kayden owns the house, and the family pays her rent. Everyone is happy.

Meanwhile, Kayden buys another house the same way, and takes a $30,000 loan on each house’s equity (at 125% interest) plus another $35,000 each to go into escrow accounts. In total, Kayden borrowed $130,000 against her new houses.

Then she vanished into thin air. The morgage payments on the houses stopped being paid, and the family was kicked out.

Meanwhile, Kayden went and sold the titles for the two houses for $10,000 a piece.

She now had $150,000 that didn’t really belong to her.

That’s where her trouble started.

And that’s pretty much where we stand until Kayden’s arraignment.

I spoke to Kayden this morning, and although she informed me her lawyer told her not to talk, she did say this: “Yes, these are the alligations against me. But there is no proof of it, and the court will agree. I’ve done nothing wrong. I was young and got caught up with a shitty morgage lender. I didn’t do anything to that family, we were all pulled in to a fraudulent scam.”

A call was made to Adam & Eve, but at this time I’ve received no reply.

I’m no expert, but I believe Kayden Kross could be doing up to five years if convicted.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

If you know Kayden’s real name, you can see her case information at


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  1. Anon Says:
    September 17th, 2008 at 4:22 pm

    The thing about real estate fraud is, it’s rarely prosecuted. It’s doubtful she would be at this point if there wasn’t a solid paper trail. And how terrible for those families.

  2. Anon Says:
    September 18th, 2008 at 3:09 am

    Cash back at closing is a red flag.

  3. AYHJA Says:
    September 18th, 2008 at 10:31 am


    Kayden told me about this a while ago, around when we first met…I’m pretty sure the stuff won’t stick, unfortunate that they’ve come after her…With the industry currently fucked, its never beyond a prosecutor to try and make and example of someone to get a headline…

    My thoughts and prayers are with ya babe…

  4. Coby Johns Says:
    September 18th, 2008 at 10:31 pm

    This piece of trash is going to jail!!!

  5. Raymond Says:
    September 19th, 2008 at 5:20 pm

    More reasons for the public to hate the porn biz. I’m sure she’ll blame the ex-boyfriend, her parents, the victim, George Bush, whatever… then it will be about Christian Right prosecuters going after pornstars.. How the hell does she end up with $150,000 in her pocket and the tenant out on the street and yet she’s innocent. Give me a damn break. I’m so sick of this. Brian Surewood destroys a family and suddenly he’s the victim. Tyfany Mynx pimps her teenage son to Alana Evans but noooooo, they’re not worthless skanks!!! Guess what? Lot’s of people LOVE porn but hate porn people. We all get a bad name because of these scumbags. If Kayden is innocent, why isn’t she writing a vigourous defense instead of acting like a gulity sociopath?

  6. Coby Johns Says:
    September 21st, 2008 at 7:12 pm

    How the hell is her real name none of our business? She broke the law and it’s matter of public record. If the JACKASS wanted privacy she should have stayed out of porn and not break laws. I think drugs have eaten away your common-sense!!!

    Screw her she was a piece of trash like most pornstars.

  7. Coby Johns Says:
    September 21st, 2008 at 7:17 pm

    BTW her real name is KIMBERLY NICOLE RATHKAMP.

  8. dav Says:
    September 22nd, 2008 at 2:02 am

    Kimberly IS a (dumb) blonde though..! ;)
    I bet she gets fines and probation..
