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U.S.A. #1!!!!!

By Fayner | July 1, 2008

Growing up on the mean streets of Newton, Massachusetts, I rolled with an older crowd. So when I was like 11 years old, the people around me who were 13 and 14 began smoking marijuana. It was Norton, mostly, and he made it his mission to corrupt me. Evil, I know, but he did it anyway.

By 12 thanks to Norton I was a full-blown pot head. Norton was banging this super whore Crista Gero (he once coaxed her under a bridge to blow him by tempting her sweet tooth with a Skor Bar…do they even make them anymore?) whose mother had a bunch of weed and she would steal it and give it to Norton and he would force me to smoke it.

Okay, maybe it wasn’t exactly like that, but I remember sayng no many times and then receiving massive blows to the head with a giant tree branch (much like the one my sister hit him across the head with a few years later!) until I got stoned.

Soon I began to actually like it. Then love it. Then came mushrooms and acid and then later after I left for college cocaine. We all know how that one ends up…

But the funny thing was that that same thing happened in every town in every state of this country, still does to this day, and we as a nation should be proud of this. Right?

According to some really smart people who are good with numbers and the like, America has been voted the #1 drug user in the world. That is, we do more drugs than anyone…and it can be proven. This study only tested for pot and cocaine, but I’m sure we’re #1 with the rest of the drugs on the list as long as they can be bought easily here in the states.

Over 16% of Americans have tried cocaine at least once. 42% have used marijuana.

The #2 runner up is New Zealand, with 4% having tried coke and 41% weed.

I think the war on drugs isn’t working. What about you?

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4 Responses to “U.S.A. #1!!!!!”

  1. Paul Says:
    July 1st, 2008 at 6:58 pm

    War on drugs, hasnt worked , never will work.
    Ever see the doco ” billion dollar crop ” , well methinks we are still suffering the hangover from the stitch up between hoover and dupont who didnt want hemp competing with his environmently unfriendly cotton .
    If you throw legalised drugs into the equasion, those percentages would be closer to the 100% mark but “they” are allowed to run rampant in society including the biggest killer of all, Alcohol.
    I look forward to the day when politicians drag their heads outta their asses and let us make our own choices.

  2. Darrah Says:
    July 1st, 2008 at 8:57 pm

    What a great title to have. *rolls eyes*

  3. pete Says:
    July 2nd, 2008 at 12:21 pm

    I’ll smoke to that.

  4. Dickie Says:
    July 5th, 2008 at 5:47 pm

    Fayner, I know you like to smoke pot and watch TV. “The Wire” was an HBO original series, and it deals with the drug war issue better than any book, film, or television series ever and it’s not even close.

    It’s not preachy, it takes a detached view of every rung of of the drug ladder, from crackheads to corner dealers to cops, politicians, exporters and importers, etc.

    You have to be pretty intelligent to be able to appreciate it. It refuses to dumb itself down for its audience.

    For a show on HBO, I’m surprised how obscure it is compared to other shows, although it got rave reviews from every reputable publication imaginable.

    I think you’d like it a lot.
