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By FaynerIsBack | April 4, 2008

Rumor has it that long time (and i mean VERY long time) Metro Director mainstay Michael Adam is now a free agent. Now I have known Michael for a pretty long time and I texted him for the skinny..

Fayner: Adams its Fayner I heard you are no longer with Metro ..what happend?

Mike: I am still shooting for them on a non exclusive basis but i decided not to re-sign exclusive and who told you ??

Fayner: A little porn birdy and why not re-sign you have been there for like what a decade?

Mike: Yeah basically I started for them in 1998 and they have all been so great to me but i just wanted to spread my wings a bit..

Fayner: lol 10 years dude thats crazy..

Mike: yeah funny huh..Its been a great run and i am still going with them just non exclusive..

Fayner: How many movies did you make for them?

Mike: lol hundreds that’s for sure..I also use the name Anton Slayer and Vincent Voss for them too…

Fayner: Vincent Voss..? Didnt you shoot all the Defiance Films and Torrid stuff a few years back..

Mike: Yeah..didnt you know that?

Fayner: No..Why the name changes?

Mike: Cause i needed to reinvent myself and keep things fresh cause longevity in the buisness is the only thing that matters.

Fayner: How long u been at it..?

Mike: Lets just say the late 80’s

Fayner: ahh the 80’s some great music from that era..

Mike: yeah Motley, Whitesnake, Van Halen..

Fayner: Speaking of hair bands I saw a pic of you with a major head of hair hahahah

Mike: lol my past still haunts me..I was a musician back then..

Fayner: Anymore?

Mike: Naa I just make porn these days..

Fayner: Hey back on the subject what you up to now? who you shooting for?

Mike: Still shooting for Metro and I have also taken on Hustler …

Fayner: Hustler cool..U know i used to work for them right?

Mike: Yeah u wrote for some of their mags right?

Fayner: Yeah..How are they to work for you?

Mike: Drew and the guys have been very cool and supportive I really like it over there.

Fayner: U met Larry yet?

Mike: Not yet..I am sure soon..I have a very big show coming up later this month for them..

Fayner: What is it?

Mike: I really cant go into detail yet but its pretty big.

Fayner: Adams its Scott tell me off the record..

Mike: LOL you will know soon enough

Fayner: Can i come down and cover it and you get get me laid?

Mike: How’s about you can come down for a hour have a bag of chips and i’ll get you a HJ for my assistant nate LOL

Fayner: Nate Dogg! I’m down for that haha He is packing you know..

Mike: i just threw up a little in my mouth lol

Fayner: Anyways u want me to plug you for anything? since i am using this for an interview..

Mike: ahhh fayner the keyboard is mightier than your pen. Sure if any of the producers out there are looking for an honest pornographer that actually spends the budget ON the budget and likes properly lit and shot porn with no bullshit to hit me up.

Fayner: Where?

Mike: my email is [email protected]

Fayner: all right adams..or is it Slayer or Voss??? lol

Mike: Hey You changed your name when you shot that BJ show “suck start my something”?

Fayner: Lets not even get into that..Thanks adams..

Mike: ttyl :)

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