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By Fayner | May 15, 2008

Anyone remember this picture? If you look closely or go here you will see that George Bush is made up of many small porno pictures. I thought it would go well with this story because this is in fact a porn-related website of sorts and I should atleast add some porn to whatever I’m telling you about…

So, Bush was in Israel for the 60th Birthday celebration. He gave a speech. Well, he read someone else’s speech, and I’m guessing he didn’t even know what he was talking about…

…but that doesn’t excuse him for what came out of his mouth. During his speech, Bush said this of Iran

“Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along.”

But why can’t the next president reach a hand out to Iran in hopes of smoothing things out between them and Israel? Is there a rule against meeting with your enemies? Professional wrestlers do it all the time.

My guess is money. There is no money in peace.

And what has war gotten us? Dead soldiers and a recession.

But the profiteers of war are rolling in the dough Boy Howdy!

Bush was a dumbass for saying that. Obama said nothing about negotiating with terrorists, which was clearly the intent of the sentence. It is way beneath Bush as the leader of the free world.

Shame shame shame.

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2 Responses to “WAR IS MONEY”

  1. Iran » WAR IS MONEY Says:
    May 15th, 2008 at 7:58 pm

    [...] Daily Intelligencer - New York Magazine wrote an interesting post today on WAR IS MONEYHere’s a quick excerpt…but that doesn’t excuse him for what came out of his mouth. During his speech, Bush said this of Iran… [...]

  2. nsoc Says:
    May 20th, 2008 at 10:45 am

    I have an Israeli customer who seved in the army as is required of all men in the Country. paraphrasing what he told me, he said “Those fucking cocksucker arabs are less intelligent than the cavemen were 50000 years ago. Talking to those maggots is a complete waste of time. The only thing that works against their terrorist ways is force, its the only way they will respect you.” He went on further, “The terrorists are well aware that the American left is the achillies heel of the country, and with the american media in the liberals back pocket no battles need to be fought on the ground when the constant barage of anti americanism is relayed through the American media.
