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By Fayner | March 19, 2008

Last night I was out having sushi with three beautiful women. After getting over the lashing we took from an old lady with a hip replacement who didn’t enjoy being told she drank too much sake, we settled into a lovely meal that mostly consisted of rice vodka (a close second behind Russian and Polish vodka but certainly ahead of the crap France puts out), bottles of sake and me telling embarassing stories about myself (15 seconds of Fayn!).

One of the women, we’ll call her “Jenny”, kept looking at her phone/mini computer every couple of minutes. I knew it had nothing to do with her being bored, since I am such a captivating fellow and it is hard to not pay attention to me. But something had a grasp on Jenny’s attention and I needed to get to the bottom of it. I was reminded of how on thousands of previous occasions I too had been pulled into the grasp of addiction, and nourished that addiction no matter where I was or who I was with.

I needed to get to the bottom of Jenny’s illness; if not to save her from her demons than at least to maybe get a taste for myself. Right?

I found out her addiction was worse than I first expected.

She’s hooked on both myspace and youtube.

Sure, I know what you’re all thinking: myspace and youtube are completely harmless.

To an extent I believe this to be true, just like with any narcotic…that taken seperately and not to excess both myspace and youtube can be a glorious high. But taken together, they’re more deadly than an actual speedball shot straight into the vein.

Luckily, Jenny admitted to me her addiction - the first step in getting better - and listened as I told her horror stories of friends I’ve known who have been crippled by effects caused by myspace and youtube addiction.

Dakoda Brookes comes to mind as one who struggled (and still struggles) under the weight of myspace addiction. Last I heard from her she was holed up in an empty apartment in the Valley trying to shoot up both myspace and youtube into her toes. I fear for the worse.

I hope Jenny got the picture. I don’t want to have to bring her to Dakoda’s apartment to show her what becomes of a gorgeous woman who destroyed her life from mixing myspace and youtube at a hectic pace.

When I asked Jenny what her plans were for today, she replied, “gonna sleep late then play on the computer!” After I gave her the evil eye, she continued, “okay, I won’t do myspace and youtube at the same time. I know how concerned you are about it. I promise to take a break between using.”

But I could see it in her eyes, could see her hands already shaking from withdrawls, and headed home scared this lovely gal may end up like so many before her: dead from an overdose of myspace and youtube.

Say a prayer for Jenny, will you? Only GOD can save her now…

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  1. Joe Says:
    March 19th, 2008 at 9:46 am

    Who is this Jenny chick?
