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By Fayner | March 21, 2008

So I’ve come across the archives from LukeFord up to the time I sold the site, and it has been a blast looking though some of the deranged things I’ve written over the years and imagine how fucked up I must have been to have conceptualized them.

An example?

Now remember, this was supposed to be a porn gossip site… 

[ed note: Taylor is now clean, sober and pregnant…this is just a reminder to herself and everyone who knows her just how messed up we were at one time or another…]

It’s always fun going to the supermarket when you’re baked out of your skull. Nutter Butter cookies are good.

But it’s never fun going to PetCo when you’re baked out of your skull with Taylor Rain. Dead toads are not fun.

I remember saying to TR, said, “you’ll just kill them.”

“Fuck that, dog!”

“But Taylor, you can barely take care of your chinchillas. Why add on two toads?”

“Fuck that, dog! All I have to do is feed them crickets once a week.”

What could I say? “Whatever. But make sure to get the expensive ones, okay?”

She did. I found out today that they’re dead, been that way for a month or two now. I also found out she never took them out of the tank after discovering they died, or should I say, after discovering she killed them, and they’re still sitting in the tank, dead.

Now she’s talking about getting a dog. I figure as long as she keeps the toilet seat up and continues to pass out on the sofa stoned with food laying around the chances of the dog living are good. Let us all prey.

And if anyone from the ASPCA is reading this, I want to stress that no animals were harmed in the writing of this article. Except for my own of course, but we know second-hand smoke never hurt nobody.

[post note: Taylor did get a dog, in fact she now has three, which happens to be the same number of times she’s brought her dogs in to the emergency room…]

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