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By Fayner | April 18, 2008

Okay, so at first I was outraged over this when Staci sent it over to me via email. What’s going on is this Costa Rican artist has tied a starving dog to a chain under a sign made up of dog biscuits that reads in English “You are what you read” while playing music backwards and lighting 175 pieces of crack cocaine in a giant incense burner.

Yeah, I know, pretty “out there” ain’t it? Silly artists…

People are outraged. Somewhere around 1 million people have signed a petition to keep this artist from doing it again. But the artist, Guillermo “Habacuc” Vargas, claims it was a piece that played tribute to a man who was killed by two Rottweiler dogs a few years ago and that no one tried to stop his piece of art as the dog starved to death (the gallery owner says the dog did not die).

And in no way am I coundoning the act of startving a dog, but I must commend the artist for his commitment and vision in the project. He took a huge gamble with this, and I think that if he did try and recreate this work of art the PETA freaks would be there covered in cow blood scooping the dying pup and running for the hills.

You can sign the petition to keep the artist from showing his work again HERE

Or you can be like me and remember the first amendment and not sign it.

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  1. TheMotherfuckinWebmaster Says:
    April 19th, 2008 at 12:49 am

    The other thing I find interesting is this is not a U.S. issue. There are countries where dogs are food. I am a dog lover (fuck cats they are useless) so I am not saying it is right or wrong I think its none of my business. If I was there I wouldn’t go see the exhibit. I think its funny that people want to petition against something that isn’t even being done in this country while they eat their KFC or burger from Wendys. If you want to help keep something from starving go find a kid on our streets that hasn’t eaten in a week. I know you got dogs Fayner so I understand your anger on the subject but applaud you for your opinion to respect someone’s right to free speech (even though the first amendment is also an American liberty).

  2. john Says:
    April 21st, 2008 at 12:24 pm

    If this was in the United States it would not be protected by the 1st Amendment. Starving a dog is animal cruelty, not art. You guys are fucking idiots. If I took your kid and starved him it would be the same thing.

    I don’t eat at KFC or Wendy’s; I’m a vegan. PETA is mostly hypocritical assholes, but if they protested against this it would definitely be a good thing.

  3. TheMotherfuckinWebmaster Says:
    April 21st, 2008 at 3:26 pm

    Ok john starving an animal and a kid are NOT the same thing. Your vegan that’s great but you still have to look at the fact that most people are hypocrites when it comes to what animals live and which ones die for our consumption. In Asia, dogs are food I just think it’s stupid that people spend more time trying to protect a starving dog then caring about our homeless population. That does not mean I am an idiot because I voice that opinion. I am not calling you an idiot for being vegan so why am I an idiot for my opinion? I’ve been out of high school for 10 years how about you?
