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By Fayner | May 13, 2008

I was talking with a friend of mine, said a woman had hurt his pride.

Okay, that was some Tom Petty lyrics, I’ve just always wanted to do that…

Anyway, I was talking with a friend of mine who happened to go to the SmashXXX party last Friday night where upward of 80 porn chicks were scheduled to appear as well as the guy Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite who was to be spinning records which I don’t really get ’cause who cares about an actor putting someone else’s record on a turntable and putting the needle on it until music comes out of the speakers?

Some things I’ll just never understand, and one is celebrities DJing. I mean, Tommy Lee? The guy is a neandrathal who could smash things pretty well with sticks, sure, but why does that give him the right to put headphones on and spin gay tracks to young kids on drugs? I don’t know and never will.

Anyway, my friend said he only went to the Smash party to see this Pedro guy who when I looked it up said his real name is Efren Ramirez but everyone knows he’ll forever be known as Pedro from that movie. My friend had met Pedro once before and said he was a gracious host, so he in return thought it would be nice to support Pedro by showing up to the party. For the record, my friend said he only saw about ten (it was actually less, I’m just rounding up) porn chicks at the party, which is a far cry from 80 if you’re Asian and good at math.

Anyway, my friend didn’t see Pedro at the DJ booth, despite one of the promoters insisting that the guy standing up there with one headphone on pretending he was busy was Pedro. My friend ventured up to the VIP section, where in the back he saw a small Mexican guy surrounded by hot chicks. That must be him! my friend thought, and approached Pedro. Pedro gave him a big hug, and they sat and drank.

Here’s where it gets funny. My friend says that he later myspaced Pedro to say thanks for the drinks and such and Pedro myspaced him back saying, what? I’m not even in L.A. right now! Someone played a trick on you, probably my twin brother!

(Its true, too, Pedro has a twin brother. Even funnier is that the Napoleon Dynamite guy is also a twin. Okay, so its not that funny…)

It turns out that the twin sometimes likes to pretend that he is Pedro for all the perks that come with being a movie star.

But then my friend tells me the guy at the club wasn’t even the brother, but an imposter look-alike who may possibly be going all over L.A. pretending to be Pedro so that he can get free drugs and booze and chicks will blow him and people will talk to him about things other than lawn mowing tips.

Reminds me of the homeless guy in Waltham, Mass who pretended to be Peter Criss the drummer from KISS. I mean, couldn’t you think of someone better to impersonate than Peter Criss and Pedro?

I have no idea if the story above is true. I would have to do much too much research to find out, and that is something I am not prepared to do at this time. But it seems true if you ask me.

We’ll just leave it at that.

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